Sunday, January 20, 2008

1st Game Critiques #1- Need for speed: Most wanted

Need for speed: Most wanted

-Game concepts: This is well known racing game that made by Electornic Arts. There are several different versions of the game. In some series, a player can play as pro racer or some cop that pursuits an illegal street racer. However, in this series, a player, well known street racer, must beat up bunch of other street racers by racing while avoiding any pursuits from cops.

-Why I love this: There are several reasons that I love this game. One of them is a player can buy cars that he/she can only dream of in the reality. In the game, a player earns money by defeating a competitor and can buy new and better car. All cars are based on famous cars from the reality and whenever I buy one of them, it actually gives a feeling that I owned them. Another reason that I love this game is a story. Although this is racing game, it also has a story plot that draws a player into the game. It gives me a sense of purpose in the game while I play it.

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